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Phi Beta Kappa at TCU

For fifty years, TCU has been among the elite 10 percent of American universities that meet the rigorous academic standards required to have a Phi Beta Kappa chapter.


Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious academic honor society. Its motto, “love of learning is the guide of life,” perfectly expresses TCU’s commitment to a quality liberal arts education and dedication to a lifetime of enquiry. In 1971 our chapter— Delta of Texas — became the fourth chapter granted in the state.

Phi Beta Kappa Pin
Phi Beta Kappa Pin

Phi Beta Kappa的遗产包括17所大学.S. 总统,42名最高法院法官和 超过150位诺贝尔奖得主. Phi Beta Kappa的会员资格是一种高度的荣誉 regarded by employers, and key holders are presented with opportunities for networking 以及终身的智力和公民参与.

To be considered, students must have excellent grades in studies showing a breadth 人文学科的知识. 大多数提升者都是大三和大四的毕业生 有时会邀请学生.

Initiates are recognized each April at Honors Convocation, and each year one Phi Beta 卡帕资深学者在荣誉宴会上宣布.

We are extremely proud of TCU’s affiliation with Phi Beta Kappa and the achievements of our initiates.


Eligibility for election to membership in course shall be contingent upon fulfillment 下列最低要求之一. 预计各章节将确定具体内容 本规定标准的适用.

  1. Eligible students shall be candidates for a bachelor’s degree in a College of Arts 和科学或相应的机构.
  2. They shall be majoring in an area of the liberal arts or sciences. If departments of economics, music, political science, or other subjects normally offered in a College of Arts and Sciences are classified in another division of the institution, students majoring in these subjects may be considered if they are candidates for a bachelor’s 文理学院的学位.
  3. They shall include not less than 90 semester hours (or the equivalent) of liberal arts work among the 120 hours ordinarily required for the degree, exclusive of required 体育和任何军事科学课程.
  4. Students electing a combined curriculum in such fields as law, medicine, dentistry, or engineering may be considered if they take at least 90 semester hours or the equivalent of liberal arts work in a College of Arts and Sciences, complete at least half of the requirements for a liberal arts major, and meet all of the other requirements 本规定规定.
  5. Grades earned in applied or professional work shall not be counted in computing the 平均成绩为合格. 应用性和bc体育性的工作 be understood to include those courses intended primarily to develop skills or vocational techniques in such fields as business administration, education, engineering, home economics, journalism, library science, military science, physical education, communications, 文秘学、演讲、应用艺术和音乐.
  6. Weight shall be given to the breadth and proportion of the program of each candidate as shown by the number and variety of courses taken outside the major.
  7. Candidates shall have demonstrated, by successful work in high school or college, or in the two together, a knowledge of mathematics and of a foreign language at least 最低限度地适合于通识教育. 在任何情况下,这都不应少于 the completion of the intermediate college level in a foreign language, or its equivalent, and the equivalent of two years of college preparatory secondary school mathematics. 任何一项要求都可以通过能力测试来满足.

The Stipulations Concerning Eligibility for Membership in Course were adopted by the 1952年的优等生协会. 自1952年以来成立的分会是必需的,以及其他 are requested, to observe the Stipulations, which, as printed above, incorporate revisions made by the Twenty-Ninth Council in September 1970, and amendments adopted by written 各分会于1991年7月投票.

注:以上要求规定了 minimum 选举时需考虑的条件. 每章只允许引言 10% of the number of the preceding year’s graduates who earned degrees in the liberal arts and sciences. Members of the TCU chapter meet to examine the transcripts of persons meeting the minimum requirements to elect the best of those candidates to fill the available induction spaces. 并不是所有达到最低要求的学生都是这样 elected to membership.

The TCU Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Delta of Texas, consists of all faculty and staff on campus who have been elected to PBK, no matter where or when. If you are a member 并且不在此列表中,请联系 Jodi Campbell.


Jodi Campbell, History

Vice President
Greg Friedman, Mathematics

Ze-Li Dou, Mathematics

Rob Garnett, Economics

David Moessner, Religion


Victor A. 贝尔菲,数学,名誉教授
Colby Birdsell, John V. Roach Honors College
Bonnie Blackwell, English
Cathy D. C. Block, Education, Emerita
Jodi Campbell, History
Natalya Cherry,英国神学院
David Colón, English
Nowell Donovan, Geology, Provost to the University, Emeritus
Ze-Li Dou, Mathematics
Patricia Duncan, Religion
Anne Frey, English
Greg Friedman, Mathematics
Robert Garnett, Economics
Theresa Gaul, English
Ann George, English
Daniel Gil, English
Amanda Hale, Biology
John Harvey, Economics
Rhonda Hatcher, Mathematics
Jill Havens, English
Sarah Hill, Psychology
John Horner, Biology
Linda Hughes, English
Ted Klein,哲学荣誉教授
迈克尔·克鲁格,理学院院长 & Engineering
Nadia Lahutsky,宗教荣誉教授
Susan Layne,国际研究中心
William Meier, History
Amanda Milian, History
David Moessner, Religion
玛丽·莫顿,哈里斯护理学院 & Health Sciences
Megan murphy - jones,大学市场营销
Robert Neilson, Chemistry
C.A. Quarles, Physics, Emeritus
Stephen Quinn, Economics
Nancy J. 拉姆齐,英国神学院名誉教授
Ken Richardson, Mathematics
Kristi Rittby, Mathematics
路易斯·罗梅罗,比较种族 & Ethnic Studies
Sam Ross, Religion
D. Mike Sacken,教育(已退休)
Rebecca Sharpless, History
Karen Steele, English
Mark Thistlethwaite,美术史荣誉教授
Drew Tomlin, Mathematics
特雷西·伦德斯特罗姆·威廉姆斯,约翰五世. Roach Honors College

The Delta of Texas chapter remembers and honors our members who have passed away. 

In Memoriam: 

Don Coerver, History
Arthur Ehlmann,地质学荣誉教授
Peter Locke, Finance
David Vanderwerken,英语

Spring 2024 initiation will be held Thursday, May 9, at 2:00 pm in the BLUU ballroom.

Each year, TCU’s Delta of Texas selects one Phi Beta Kappa student to be the James W. Newcomer Senior Scholar. This award is named for Dr. James W. 纽卡姆,他是创始成员之一 of TCU’s chapter in 1971 and was instrumental in shaping its development over the following decades.

We are pleased to recognize his contributions by giving this award to the Phi Beta Kappa candidate who best exemplifies the ideals of Phi Beta Kappa as expressed in 学校的校训是“爱学是人生的向导”.”


2023: Amelia Boatwright
2022: Emily Jackson
2020: Laska Anderson
2019: Andreley Bjelland 
2018: Kendra Larach 
2017: Malcolm Baker 
2016: Kelcie Willis 

总部设在华盛顿特区 Phi Beta Kappa Society offers a variety of programs that champion education in the liberal arts and sciences 培养思想自由;

  • National Arts & Sciences Initiative
  • Visiting Scholar Program
  • Awards and fellowships
  • 关键连接组网事件
  • Alumni associations
  • Publications
  • Podcasts
  • Digital book club